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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-TTD-130
    • Data Connector: The Trade Desk
    • Description: The error indicates that a required parameter was not found in the configuration of The Trade Desk data connector, which is commonly due to missing or incorrectly configured parameters within your river setup.
  2. Possible Causes and Additional Insights:

    • The specified parameter may not be configured correctly within the Rivery platform for The Trade Desk connector.
    • The error can be a result of missing authentication details such as API keys or other mandatory parameters within your data source configuration.
  3. Action Steps:

    1. Review River Settings:
      • Confirm all required parameters for The Trade Desk connector have been appropriately set in the river.
      • Double-check the river configuration settings to ensure no parameters are missing.
    2. Validate API Key and Credentials:
      • Verify all credentials and API keys required for authentication with The Trade Desk are correct and inserted in the right fields.
    3. Check Parameter Mapping:
      • Revisit parameter mapping in your river setup and rectify any misconfigurations.
    4. Consult Rivery Documentation:
      • Ensure you have followed each connection setup step as outlined in the Rivery documentation for The Trade Desk connector.
  4. External References:

    • You can access detailed guidance on setting up the data connector for The Trade Desk on Rivery's official documentation.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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