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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-TTD-220 with the message "Failed decoding" indicates a problem while decoding data in the context of using The Trade Desk data connector with Rivery. This error may be related to a mismatch or error in data encoding (such as a UTF-8 encoding issue) which is causing the connector to fail in processing the incoming data from The Trade Desk platform.
    • Often, such errors can be attributed to character set mismatches, issues with data formatting, or the presence of invalid characters in the data being processed.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Data Encoding: Ensure that the data being transferred from The Trade Desk is encoded correctly in UTF-8, as this is a common encoding standard. This can often be a source of decoding issues if not set correctly.
    • Review Data for Invalid Characters: Inspect the data for any special characters or corrupted formats that could be causing the decoding error. Resolve any such issues in the source data before it reaches Rivery.
    • Adjust Data Source Settings: Adjust settings on the data source or within Rivery to handle or ignore invalid characters. Depending on the setup, this could involve changing parameters to replace invalid UTF-8 characters with a placeholder.
    • Rivery Documentation: Consult the Rivery documentation on handling UTF-8 errors or character encoding issues for more specific guidance on managing such situations.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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