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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "Failed reading CSV" with the code RVR-TTD-221 is related to an issue occurring with data extraction from "The Trade Desk" connector on the Rivery platform. This indicates a failure in processing or reading CSV files.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify CSV Structure: Ensure that the CSV files being processed adhere strictly to the expected schema. Check for any unusual characters, inconsistent delimiters, or unexpected line breaks that may disrupt the reading operation.
    • Encoding Check: CSV files should be encoded in UTF-8. Verify that there are no problematic characters within the file that might be causing read failures. Consider using tools to ensure proper encoding or manually inspect for any non-standard characters.
    • Connector Configuration: Double-check the setup of the data connector related to The Trade Desk within Rivery. All credentials and settings must be verified to ensure nothing is misconfigured or missing.
    • Data Size and API Limitations: Sometimes, API limitations could affect the data extraction process. Review any size limits on the exports or insights API that might be causing truncation or incomplete data transfers.
  3. External References:

    • For further details on setting up and troubleshooting The Trade Desk connections, refer to the official Rivery documentation: Rivery Documentation.
    • Consult the CSV file format standards for more insights on proper formatting and structure.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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