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Issue Summary

  • Error Code: RVR-TTD-410
  • Data Connector: The Trade Desk
  • Error Description: General API error

The error code RVR-TTD-410 is a general API error associated with The Trade Desk data connector in Rivery. This kind of error typically indicates a failure in communication between Rivery and The Trade Desk API. The issue could be caused by several factors, such as incorrect API keys, network issues, or changes in The Trade Desk API that are not yet reflected in Rivery's infrastructure.

Action Steps:

  1. Check API Credentials:

    • Ensure that the API key and other credentials used for The Trade Desk connection in Rivery are correct and have the necessary permissions.
  2. Network and Connectivity:

    • Verify that there are no network connectivity issues on your end with The Trade Desk servers. This can include checking firewall settings or any proxy configurations that may be interfering.
  3. Review Rate Limits and Quotas:

    • Confirm that you are not exceeding any API rate limits or quotas imposed by The Trade Desk. API limits are often a cause for such errors if requests are being throttled or blocked.
  4. Check for API Changes:

    • Review The Trade Desk API documentation to see if any recent changes might have affected how Rivery interacts with the API. This includes changes to endpoints, request structures, or authentication methods.
  5. Update Connection in Rivery If Necessary:

    • If there have been changes in API access or details, update the data connector settings in Rivery to match the new requirements.
  6. Contact The Trade Desk Support:

    • If the above steps do not resolve the issue, it might be beneficial to reach out to The Trade Desk’s support for further assistance in identifying if there are known issues or required updates.

External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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