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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error encountered is "Max retries reachedError Code: RVR-TTD-413" for the data connector "the_trade_desk." This error typically indicates that the retry attempts made by the Rivery platform to connect to The Trade Desk API have been exhausted without a successful connection. This can often be due to network issues, API rate limits, or authentication problems.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Network Connection: Ensure that there are no network issues on your end. A stable internet connection is necessary for the Rivery platform to access external APIs like The Trade Desk.

    • API Rate Limits: Review The Trade Desk API documentation or your account settings to verify if you've exceeded the API rate limits. Rate limits define the number of API requests that can be made during a specific time period. If limits are reached, wait for them to reset.

    • Authentication Verification: Double-check your authentication credentials in Rivery for The Trade Desk connector. Ensure your API keys, tokens, or credentials are correct and have not expired.

    • Examine Logs: Check the logs within the Rivery platform to gather more specific information regarding the failed connection attempts. This might give insights into whether it was due to authentication failures or temporary timeouts.

    • Connection Test: Use the 'Test Connection' feature in the Rivery console to validate that the connection to The Trade Desk API can be established successfully.

  3. External References:

    • For comprehensive guidance on managing and troubleshooting API connectors, refer to the official Rivery documentation: Rivery Documentation.
    • Also, consider reviewing The Trade Desk API documentation for any announcements regarding outages or changes: The Trade Desk API Documentation.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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