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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error RVR-TWTR-100 indicates that the client ID and client secret are required when using social authentication type for a Twitter data connector in Rivery. This error occurs because the authentication process for Twitter via Rivery necessitates these credentials to establish a secure connection.
  2. Action Steps

    • Obtain Client ID and Client Secret:
      1. Log in to the Twitter Developer Portal.
      2. Navigate to the "Projects & Apps" tab and select your app or create a new one.
      3. Under the "Keys and Tokens" section, you will find the Client ID and Client Secret. If they are not visible, use the "Regenerate" option.
    • Set Up Connection in Rivery:
      1. Go to the Rivery console and navigate to "Connections."
      2. Click on "+ New Connection" and select "Twitter".
      3. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret obtained from the Twitter Developer Portal.
      4. Test the connection to ensure it is properly set up.
  3. External References

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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