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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You are encountering a "Report type unsupported error" with Error Code RVR-VM-200 while using the "verta media" data connector in Rivery. This error often indicates that the report type you are trying to generate or use isn't supported by the data connector for the specific source. This is common when the chosen report type does not match the acceptable formats or types supported by the connector.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Report Type: Check your current configuration to ensure that the report type selected is supported by the "verta media" data connector. It can be useful to refer to Rivery's documentation on acceptable report types for your specific data source.
    • Review Documentation: Use the Rivery documentation here to confirm compatibility and explore potential alternative report types that may meet your needs.
    • Consult Connector Settings: Double-check the settings and parameters defined in your "verta media" connector within Rivery for any discrepancies or unsupported configurations.
    • Update or Reconfigure: If possible, update or reconfigure the data source settings, aligning them with supported report types and ensuring all parameters are correctly set.
  3. External References:

    • Official Rivery Documentation for troubleshooting issues with specific data connectors: Rivery Documentation

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support. You can do this directly through the Rivery console by selecting the 'Support' option.

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