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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "Get column mappings error" with error code "RVR-VM-300" is associated with a problem retrieving column mappings during the data transfer process using Rivery, particularly when involving the Verta Media data connector. This error may occur due to changes in the source schema or issues with column definitions not being properly mapped in Rivery.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify that the schema of the data source has not recently changed. Sometimes schema changes require updates to the mapping configuration in Rivery.
    • Go to the Rivery console and check the column mappings for the specific data connector. Ensure that all required fields are mapped correctly. If any column names have changed or are missing, you will need to update the mappings.
    • Use the auto-mapping feature in Rivery to help automatically align source and target columns. This can be a helpful feature when correcting mapping issues without manually configuring each column.
    • If schema or column mappings are complex or include dynamic fields, ensure that the JSON or other dynamic structures are handled properly as per Rivery’s data transformation capabilities.
  3. External References:

    • For more detailed troubleshooting and configuration settings, visit Rivery's official documentation at Rivery Documentation.
    • For specific instructions on handling dynamic data or using custom expressions in column mapping, refer to Rivery's guides on Custom Query River Mode .

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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