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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error message "Insufficient permissions. Error Code: RVR-YTP-429" indicates that the Yotpo data connector in Rivery is experiencing a permissions issue. This is likely due to inadequate permissions being set on the Yotpo account or API key being used for the connection.
    • Insufficient permissions can prevent data retrieval or manipulation, indicating that necessary access rights have not been granted to the API or application used in Rivery to access Yotpo's data.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Review Yotpo API Key Settings: Ensure that the API key used for the Yotpo connection in Rivery has the correct permissions. You should check the Yotpo documentation or the API key management interface to ensure all necessary scopes and permissions are enabled.
    • Verify Account Roles: If permissions are role-based, confirm that the account associated with the API key has the necessary roles and permissions assigned in Yotpo.
    • Update Credentials in Rivery: If changes are made to the permissions or API key, make sure to update these credentials in Rivery under the Yotpo connection settings.
    • Test Connection: After making updates, test the connection within Rivery to ensure that it accesses Yotpo data without errors.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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