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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You are encountering the error "Error Code: RVR-YTP-557" while using the Yotpo data connector in Rivery. This error indicates a failure in the request, however, specific details about the code RVR-YTP-557 are not extensively covered in the documentation.
    • Based on typical issues with API-based data connections, this error can often relate to connectivity issues like wrong credentials, expired tokens, or configuration mismatches.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Credentials: Ensure that the API Key and Secret Key used for the Yotpo connection in Rivery are correct. These keys can be verified in your Yotpo account under API Credentials.
    • Test the Connection: In Rivery, go to the Yotpo connection settings and use the test functionality to ensure that the connection is successful.
    • Check API Limits and Permissions: Confirm that the Yotpo account has the necessary permissions and that any API rate limits have not been exceeded. If API limits are exceeded, it might temporarily reject requests.
    • Check Network Connectivity: Ensure there are no network issues between Rivery and the Yotpo API that might cause the request to fail. This includes checking firewall settings or proxy configurations.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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