Setting up a Custom Filezone in Amazon S3
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Setting up a Custom Filezone in Amazon S3

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Article summary

This is a step-by-step tutorial to setting up a custom FileZone in Amazon S3.


Setting up a Custom File Zone in Rivery is an optional feature, with the default option relying on the Managed File Zone provided by the platform, which requires no setup.
The main advantage of setting up a Custom File Zone is the ability for organizations to ensure that data is stored within their own file zones, as opposed to being stored in Rivery's Managed File Zone. This also enables organizations to use the Custom File Zone as a data lake, where raw data can be stored before it is loaded into a Target cloud data warehouse. Furthermore, organizations have the ability to define their own retention policies for data stored in the Custom File Zone.
Rivery's Managed File Zone (default) retains data for a period of 48 hours.


If you're new to Amazon S3, start with the S3 documentation.

Create Your S3 Bucket

A bucket is an object container. To store data in Amazon S3, you must first create a bucket and specify a bucket name as well as an AWS Region. Then you upload your data as objects to that bucket in Amazon S3. Each object has a key (or key name) that serves as the object's unique identifier within the bucket.
Let's begin by logging into AWS and searching for Buckets:

This is a tour of the console. Please hover over the rippling dots and read the notes attached to follow through.

Create a User Policy

A bucket policy is a resource-based policy that allows you to grant access permissions to your bucket and the objects contained within it.
Now that you've created a bucket, let's create a policy to grant the necessary permissions:

Here's the policy's code:


Rivery User in AWS

Now, in order to connect to the Amazon S3 Source and Target (described in the following section) in Rivery console, you must first create an AWS Rivery user:

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