2023-12 Snowflake Upgrade Dec-23
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2023-12 Snowflake Upgrade Dec-23

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Article summary


This document outlines the Snowflake connection code maintenance scheduled from December 17th to December 18st, 2023. The primary purpose of this maintenance is to implement internal improvements and enable future enhancements for the Snowflake integration within our platform.
We aim to ensure a seamless transition without causing any disruptions to our services.

The following sections will outline what you can expect while this upgrade takes place:

Service Availability

We expect our services to remain uninterrupted throughout the maintenance window. You can confidently continue using our platform, accessing all of its functions and features without any concerns.

Error Message Format Changes

As part of the maintenance, you may observe slight alterations in the format of error messages generated by Snowflake. These modifications are necessary to align with the new enhancements and optimizations integrated into the Snowflake system.

Before Maintenance:

Step Logic Step failed: 001003 (42000): SQL compilation error: - syntax error line 1 at position 0 unexpected 'selct'.

After Maintenance:

Step Logic Step failed: Error in execute command: ('42000', "[42000] SQL compilation error:-syntax error line 1 at position 0 unexpected 'selct'. (1003) (SQLExecDirectW)")

Support and Assistance

Should you encounter any issues or have questions related to the maintenance, our support team is here to help and easily accessible. Do not hesitate to reach out to our support team for any concerns or inquiries you may have.

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