SSL Connection
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SSL Connection

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Article summary


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security protocol used to establish encrypted communication between a server and a browser. SSL/TLS ensures that communication to and from Rivery remains private and secure.

Connections That Use Verified SSL by Default

Rivery uses SSL-based encryption for connections that use HTTP APIs:

Rivery establishes a verified SSL connection by default when connecting to this Storage type Sources. To enable this secure communication, simply ensure that the SSL checkbox is selected.

Connections with Configurable SSL Options

For certain Sources, such as a database hosted on your server, Rivery supports configurable SSL options. To use SSL with a supported database, it is necessary to configure the database to allow and support SSL connections.

Rivery implements configurable SSL for the following connections:

In order to establish an SSL connection with these specific sources, the inclusion of a Key File is essential. Rivery offers extensive support for various types of key files.

Please note:
  • SSL connections are not supported for all databases. For detailed information about SSL support for a specific database, refer to the corresponding database documentation.
  • In some cases you'll have a few additional options to choose from in the SSL Options dropdown list in Rivery depending on the database you are connecting to.


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