Storage & Files
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Storage & Files

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Article summary


We provide seamless integration solutions to streamline your data storage and file management processes. Our platform offers robust connectivity to a wide range of storage services, empowering you to effortlessly manage your data across various platforms.

Supported Integrations

Amazon S3

Store and retrieve any amount of data at any time from Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), a highly scalable, secure, and durable storage infrastructure.

Azure Blob Storage

Seamlessly integrate with Azure Blob Storage to store and manage unstructured data in the cloud with ease.


Streamline your workflows by integrating with email services to automatically send and receive files and data notifications.


Connect to FTP servers to transfer files securely over the internet, facilitating efficient data exchange.

Google Cloud Storage

Leverage Google Cloud Storage to store and retrieve your data with high availability, scalability, and durability.

Google Sheets

Integrate with Google Sheets to import and export data seamlessly, enabling collaborative data management and analysis.


Securely transfer files over a secure shell (SSH) connection, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.

Supported File Formats

File SourceFile FormatCompression Types
Amazon S3CSV,JSON, Parquet (If S3 is a Target), OtherGZip
Azure Blob StorageCSV,JSONGZip
FTPCSV, JSON, Excel, OtherZip
Google Cloud StorageCSV, JSONGZip
SFTPCSV, Excel, JSON, OtherZip

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