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Stripe Predefined Reports
- 17 Minutes to read
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Predefined Reports
The Stripe datasource in Rivery comes with the below predefined reports. Each report will have a short description of the data, a list of customizable fields (if any), and the schema mapping. Due to the standardized nature of these reports, there are a number of locked fields that will only be accessible through the custom reporting functionality.
Source-Level Selections
Stripe does not have any source-level selections available to filter each report in the river.
The Payout report retrieves the details of an existing payout which is created when the user receive funds from Stripe, or initiates a payout to either a bank account or debit card of a connected Stripe account. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id ![]() | String | Dimension |
amount | Integer | Metric |
automatic | Boolean | Dimension |
balance_transaction | String | Dimension |
created | Integer | Metric |
currency | String | Dimension |
description | String | Dimension |
destination | String | Dimension |
failure_balance_transaction | String | Dimension |
failure_code | String | Dimension |
failure_message | String | Dimension |
arrival_date | Integer | Metric |
livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
method | String | Dimension |
object | String | Dimension |
original_payout | String | Dimension |
reversed_by | String | Dimension |
source_type | String | Dimension |
statement_descriptor | String | Dimension |
status | String | Dimension |
type | String | Dimension |
Invoice Items
The Invoice Items report returns a list of the account's invoice items sorted by creation date, with the most recently created invoice items appearing first. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id ![]() | String | Dimension |
amount | Integer | Metric |
customer | String | Dimension |
date | Integer | Metric |
description | String | Dimension |
discountable | Boolean | Dimension |
currency | String | Dimension |
invoice | String | Dimension |
livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
object | String | Dimension |
period_end | Integer | Metric |
period_start | Integer | Metric |
plan_active | Boolean | Dimension |
plan_aggregate_usage | String | Dimension |
plan_amount | Integer | Metric |
plan_amount_decimal | String | Dimension |
plan_billing_scheme | String | Dimension |
plan_created | Integer | Metric |
plan_currency | String | Dimension |
plan_id | String | Dimension |
plan_interval | String | Dimension |
plan_interval_count | Integer | Metric |
plan_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
plan_nickname | String | Dimension |
plan_object | String | Dimension |
plan_product | String | Dimension |
plan_tiers | String | Dimension |
plan_tiers_mode | String | Dimension |
plan_transform_usage | String | Dimension |
plan_trial_period_days | Integer | Metric |
plan_usage_type | String | Dimension |
price_active | Boolean | Dimension |
price_billing_scheme | String | Dimension |
price_created | Integer | Metric |
price_currency | String | Dimension |
price_id | String | Dimension |
price_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
price_lookup_key | String | Dimension |
price_nickname | String | Dimension |
price_object | String | Dimension |
price_product | String | Dimension |
price_recurring_aggregate_usage | String | Dimension |
price_recurring_interval | String | Dimension |
price_recurring_interval_count | Integer | Metric |
price_recurring_trial_period_days | Integer | Metric |
price_recurring_usage_type | String | Dimension |
price_tiers_mode | String | Dimension |
price_transform_quantity | String | Dimension |
price_type | String | Dimension |
price_unit_amount | Integer | Metric |
price_unit_amount_decimal | String | Dimension |
proration | Boolean | Dimension |
quantity | Integer | Metric |
subscription | String | Dimension |
subscription_item | String | Dimension |
unit_amount | Integer | Metric |
unit_amount_decimal | String | Dimension |
Balance Transaction
The Balance Transaction report returns a list of transactions that have contributed to the Stripe account balance (e.g., charges, transfers, ect.) sorted with the most recent transactions appearing first. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id ![]() | String | Dimension |
amount | Integer | Metric |
created | Integer | Metric |
currency | String | Dimension |
description | String | Dimension |
exchange_rate | Float | Metric |
fee | Integer | Metric |
fee_details | String | Dimension |
available_on | Integer | Metric |
net | Integer | Metric |
object | String | Dimension |
reporting_category | String | Dimension |
source | String | Dimension |
status | String | Dimension |
type | String | Dimension |
The Customers report returns a list of all customers associated with the account. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id ![]() | String | Dimension |
address | String | Dimension |
created | Integer | Metric |
currency | String | Dimension |
default_source | String | Dimension |
delinquent | Boolean | Dimension |
description | String | Dimension |
discount | String | Dimension |
discount_checkout_session | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_amount_off | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_created | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_currency | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_duration | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_duration_in_months | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_id | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
discount_coupon_max_redemptions | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_name | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_object | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_percent_off | Float | Metric |
discount_coupon_redeem_by | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_times_redeemed | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_valid | Boolean | Dimension |
discount_customer | String | Dimension |
discount_end | String | Dimension |
discount_id | String | Dimension |
discount_invoice | String | Dimension |
discount_invoice_item | String | Dimension |
discount_object | String | Dimension |
discount_promotion_code | String | Dimension |
discount_start | Integer | Metric |
discount_subscription | String | Dimension |
String | Dimension | |
balance | Integer | Metric |
invoice_prefix | String | Dimension |
invoice_settings_custom_fields | String | Dimension |
invoice_settings_default_payment_method | String | Dimension |
invoice_settings_footer | String | Dimension |
livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
metadata_Address_Country | String | Dimension |
metadata_Address_PostalCode | String | Dimension |
metadata_account_id | String | Dimension |
metadata_fp_uid | String | Dimension |
metadata_state | String | Dimension |
name | String | Dimension |
next_invoice_sequence | Integer | Metric |
object | String | Dimension |
phone | String | Dimension |
shipping | String | Dimension |
sources_data | String | Dimension |
sources_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
sources_object | String | Dimension |
sources_total_count | Integer | Metric |
sources_url | String | Dimension |
subscriptions_data | String | Dimension |
subscriptions_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
subscriptions_object | String | Dimension |
subscriptions_total_count | Integer | Metric |
subscriptions_url | String | Dimension |
tax_exempt | String | Dimension |
tax_ids_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
tax_ids_object | String | Dimension |
tax_ids_total_count | Integer | Metric |
tax_ids_url | String | Dimension |
Subscription Items
The Subscription Items report returns a list of the subscription items for a given subscription. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id ![]() | String | Dimension |
billing_thresholds | String | Dimension |
created | Integer | Metric |
object | String | Dimension |
plan_active | Boolean | Dimension |
plan_aggregate_usage | String | Dimension |
plan_amount | Integer | Metric |
plan_amount_decimal | String | Dimension |
plan_billing_scheme | String | Dimension |
plan_created | Integer | Metric |
plan_currency | String | Dimension |
plan_id | String | Dimension |
plan_interval | String | Dimension |
plan_interval_count | Integer | Metric |
plan_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
plan_nickname | String | Dimension |
plan_object | String | Dimension |
plan_product | String | Dimension |
plan_tiers | String | Dimension |
plan_tiers_mode | String | Dimension |
plan_transform_usage | String | Dimension |
plan_trial_period_days | Integer | Metric |
plan_usage_type | String | Dimension |
price_active | Boolean | Dimension |
price_billing_scheme | String | Dimension |
price_created | Integer | Metric |
price_currency | String | Dimension |
price_id | String | Dimension |
price_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
price_lookup_key | String | Dimension |
price_nickname | String | Dimension |
price_object | String | Dimension |
price_product | String | Dimension |
price_recurring_aggregate_usage | String | Dimension |
price_recurring_interval | String | Dimension |
price_recurring_interval_count | Integer | Metric |
price_recurring_trial_period_days | Integer | Metric |
price_recurring_usage_type | String | Dimension |
price_tiers_mode | String | Dimension |
price_transform_quantity | String | Dimension |
price_type | String | Dimension |
price_unit_amount | Integer | Metric |
price_unit_amount_decimal | String | Dimension |
quantity | Integer | Metric |
subscription | String | Dimension |
tax_rates | String | Dimension |
The Disputes report returns a list of the disputes which occur when a customer questions the charge with their card issuer. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id ![]() | String | Dimension |
amount | Integer | Metric |
balance_transactions | String | Dimension |
charge | String | Dimension |
created | Integer | Metric |
currency | String | Dimension |
evidence_access_activity_log | String | Dimension |
evidence_billing_address | String | Dimension |
evidence_cancellation_policy | String | Dimension |
evidence_cancellation_policy_disclosure | String | Dimension |
evidence_cancellation_rebuttal | String | Dimension |
evidence_customer_communication | String | Dimension |
evidence_customer_email_address | String | Dimension |
evidence_customer_name | String | Dimension |
evidence_customer_purchase_ip | String | Dimension |
evidence_customer_signature | String | Dimension |
evidence_details_due_by | Integer | Metric |
evidence_details_has_evidence | Boolean | Dimension |
evidence_details_past_due | Boolean | Dimension |
evidence_details_submission_count | Integer | Metric |
evidence_duplicate_charge_documentation | String | Dimension |
evidence_duplicate_charge_explanation | String | Dimension |
evidence_duplicate_charge_id | String | Dimension |
evidence_product_description | String | Dimension |
evidence_receipt | String | Dimension |
evidence_refund_policy | String | Dimension |
evidence_refund_policy_disclosure | String | Dimension |
evidence_refund_refusal_explanation | String | Dimension |
evidence_service_date | String | Dimension |
evidence_service_documentation | String | Dimension |
evidence_shipping_address | String | Dimension |
evidence_shipping_carrier | String | Dimension |
evidence_shipping_date | String | Dimension |
evidence_shipping_documentation | String | Dimension |
evidence_shipping_tracking_number | String | Dimension |
evidence_uncategorized_file | String | Dimension |
evidence_uncategorized_text | String | Dimension |
balance_transaction | String | Dimension |
is_charge_refundable | Boolean | Dimension |
livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
object | String | Dimension |
payment_intent | String | Dimension |
reason | String | Dimension |
status | String | Dimension |
The Charges report returns a list of charges created sorted with the most recent charges appearing first. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id ![]() | String | Dimension |
amount | Integer | Metric |
amount_refunded | Integer | Metric |
application | String | Dimension |
application_fee | String | Dimension |
application_fee_amount | String | Dimension |
balance_transaction | String | Dimension |
billing_details_address_city | String | Dimension |
billing_details_address_country | String | Dimension |
billing_details_address_line1 | String | Dimension |
billing_details_address_line2 | String | Dimension |
billing_details_address_postal_code | String | Dimension |
billing_details_address_state | String | Dimension |
billing_details_email | String | Dimension |
billing_details_name | String | Dimension |
billing_details_phone | String | Dimension |
calculated_statement_descriptor | String | Dimension |
captured | Boolean | Dimension |
created | Integer | Metric |
currency | String | Dimension |
customer | String | Dimension |
description | String | Dimension |
destination | String | Dimension |
dispute | String | Dimension |
disputed | Boolean | Dimension |
failure_code | String | Dimension |
failure_message | String | Dimension |
amount_captured | Integer | Metric |
invoice | String | Dimension |
livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
object | String | Dimension |
on_behalf_of | String | Dimension |
order | String | Dimension |
outcome_network_status | String | Dimension |
outcome_reason | String | Dimension |
outcome_risk_level | String | Dimension |
outcome_risk_score | Integer | Metric |
outcome_rule | String | Dimension |
outcome_seller_message | String | Dimension |
outcome_type | String | Dimension |
paid | Boolean | Dimension |
payment_intent | String | Dimension |
payment_method | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_brand | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_checks_address_line1_check | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_checks_address_postal_code_check | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_checks_cvc_check | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_country | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_exp_month | Integer | Metric |
payment_method_details_card_exp_year | Integer | Metric |
payment_method_details_card_fingerprint | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_funding | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_installments | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_last4 | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_network | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_three_d_secure | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_wallet | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_wallet_dynamic_last4 | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_card_wallet_type | String | Dimension |
payment_method_details_type | String | Dimension |
receipt_email | String | Dimension |
receipt_number | String | Dimension |
receipt_url | String | Dimension |
refunded | Boolean | Dimension |
refunds_data | String | Dimension |
refunds_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
refunds_object | String | Dimension |
refunds_total_count | Integer | Metric |
refunds_url | String | Dimension |
review | String | Dimension |
shipping | String | Dimension |
source | String | Dimension |
source_address_city | String | Dimension |
source_address_country | String | Dimension |
source_address_line1 | String | Dimension |
source_address_line1_check | String | Dimension |
source_address_line2 | String | Dimension |
source_address_state | String | Dimension |
source_address_zip | String | Dimension |
source_address_zip_check | String | Dimension |
source_brand | String | Dimension |
source_country | String | Dimension |
source_customer | String | Dimension |
source_cvc_check | String | Dimension |
source_dynamic_last4 | String | Dimension |
source_exp_month | Integer | Metric |
source_exp_year | Integer | Metric |
source_fingerprint | String | Dimension |
source_funding | String | Dimension |
source_id | String | Dimension |
source_last4 | String | Dimension |
source_name | String | Dimension |
source_object | String | Dimension |
source_tokenization_method | String | Dimension |
source_transfer | String | Dimension |
statement_descriptor | String | Dimension |
statement_descriptor_suffix | String | Dimension |
status | String | Dimension |
transfer_data | String | Dimension |
transfer_group | String | Dimension |
The Events report lists all events within the given incremental date window. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id ![]() | String | Dimension |
api_version | String | Dimension |
data_object_account_balance | Integer | Metric |
data_object_account_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_account_name | String | Dimension |
data_object_account_tax_ids | String | Dimension |
data_object_address | String | Dimension |
data_object_address_city | String | Dimension |
data_object_address_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_address_line1 | String | Dimension |
data_object_address_line1_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_address_line2 | String | Dimension |
data_object_address_state | String | Dimension |
data_object_address_zip | String | Dimension |
data_object_address_zip_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_allowed_source_types | String | Dimension |
data_object_amount | Integer | Metric |
data_object_amount_capturable | Integer | Metric |
data_object_amount_captured | Integer | Metric |
data_object_amount_due | Integer | Metric |
data_object_amount_paid | Integer | Metric |
data_object_amount_received | Integer | Metric |
data_object_amount_refunded | Integer | Metric |
data_object_amount_remaining | Integer | Metric |
data_object_application | String | Dimension |
data_object_application_fee | String | Dimension |
data_object_application_fee_amount | String | Dimension |
data_object_application_fee_percent | String | Dimension |
data_object_attempt_count | Integer | Metric |
data_object_attempted | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_auto_advance | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_automatic_tax_enabled | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_automatic_tax_status | String | Dimension |
data_object_balance | Integer | Metric |
data_object_balance_transaction | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing_cycle_anchor | Integer | Metric |
data_object_billing_details_address_city | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing_details_address_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing_details_address_line1 | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing_details_address_line2 | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing_details_address_postal_code | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing_details_address_state | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing_details_email | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing_details_name | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing_details_phone | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing_reason | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing_thresholds | String | Dimension |
data_object_billing_zip | String | Dimension |
data_object_brand | String | Dimension |
data_object_calculated_statement_descriptor | String | Dimension |
data_object_cancel_at | Integer | Metric |
data_object_cancel_at_period_end | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_canceled_at | Integer | Metric |
data_object_cancellation_reason | String | Dimension |
data_object_capture_method | String | Dimension |
data_object_captured | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_card_brand | String | Dimension |
data_object_card_checks_address_line1_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_card_checks_address_postal_code_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_card_checks_cvc_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_card_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_card_exp_month | Integer | Metric |
data_object_card_exp_year | Integer | Metric |
data_object_card_fingerprint | String | Dimension |
data_object_card_funding | String | Dimension |
data_object_card_generated_from | String | Dimension |
data_object_card_last4 | String | Dimension |
data_object_card_networks_available | String | Dimension |
data_object_card_networks_preferred | String | Dimension |
data_object_card_three_d_secure_usage_supported | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_card_wallet | String | Dimension |
data_object_charge | String | Dimension |
data_object_charges_data | String | Dimension |
data_object_charges_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_charges_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_charges_total_count | Integer | Metric |
data_object_charges_url | String | Dimension |
data_object_checkout_session | String | Dimension |
data_object_client_secret | String | Dimension |
data_object_closed_reason | String | Dimension |
data_object_collection_method | String | Dimension |
data_object_confirmation_method | String | Dimension |
data_object_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_coupon_amount_off | Integer | Metric |
data_object_coupon_created | Integer | Metric |
data_object_coupon_currency | String | Dimension |
data_object_coupon_duration | String | Dimension |
data_object_coupon_duration_in_months | String | Dimension |
data_object_coupon_id | String | Dimension |
data_object_coupon_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_coupon_max_redemptions | String | Dimension |
data_object_coupon_name | String | Dimension |
data_object_coupon_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_coupon_percent_off | Float | Metric |
data_object_coupon_redeem_by | String | Dimension |
data_object_coupon_times_redeemed | Integer | Metric |
data_object_coupon_valid | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_created | Integer | Metric |
data_object_currency | String | Dimension |
data_object_current_period_end | Integer | Metric |
data_object_current_period_start | Integer | Metric |
data_object_custom_fields | String | Dimension |
data_object_customer | String | Dimension |
data_object_customer_address | String | Dimension |
data_object_customer_email | String | Dimension |
data_object_customer_name | String | Dimension |
data_object_customer_phone | String | Dimension |
data_object_customer_shipping | String | Dimension |
data_object_customer_tax_exempt | String | Dimension |
data_object_cvc_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_date | Integer | Metric |
data_object_days_until_due | Integer | Metric |
data_object_default_payment_method | String | Dimension |
data_object_default_source | String | Dimension |
data_object_delinquent | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_description | String | Dimension |
data_object_destination | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_checkout_session | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_coupon_amount_off | Integer | Metric |
data_object_discount_coupon_created | Integer | Metric |
data_object_discount_coupon_currency | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_coupon_duration | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_coupon_duration_in_months | Integer | Metric |
data_object_discount_coupon_id | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_coupon_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_discount_coupon_max_redemptions | Integer | Metric |
data_object_discount_coupon_name | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_coupon_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_coupon_percent_off | Float | Metric |
data_object_discount_coupon_redeem_by | Integer | Metric |
data_object_discount_coupon_times_redeemed | Integer | Metric |
data_object_discount_coupon_valid | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_discount_customer | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_end | Integer | Metric |
data_object_discount_id | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_invoice | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_invoice_item | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_promotion_code | String | Dimension |
data_object_discount_start | Integer | Metric |
data_object_discount_subscription | String | Dimension |
data_object_discounts | String | Dimension |
data_object_dispute | String | Dimension |
data_object_disputed | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_due_date | Integer | Metric |
data_object_dynamic_last4 | String | Dimension |
data_object_email | String | Dimension |
data_object_end | String | Dimension |
data_object_ended_at | Integer | Metric |
data_object_ending_balance | Integer | Metric |
data_object_exp_month | Integer | Metric |
data_object_exp_year | Integer | Metric |
data_object_failure_code | String | Dimension |
data_object_failure_message | String | Dimension |
data_object_finalized_at | Integer | Metric |
data_object_fingerprint | String | Dimension |
data_object_footer | String | Dimension |
data_object_funding | String | Dimension |
data_object_hosted_invoice_url | String | Dimension |
data_object_id | String | Dimension |
data_object_invoice | String | Dimension |
data_object_invoice_customer_balance_settings_consume_applied_balance_on_void | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_invoice_item | String | Dimension |
data_object_invoice_pdf | String | Dimension |
data_object_invoice_prefix | String | Dimension |
data_object_invoice_settings_custom_fields | String | Dimension |
data_object_invoice_settings_default_payment_method | String | Dimension |
data_object_invoice_settings_footer | String | Dimension |
data_object_ip_address | String | Dimension |
data_object_ip_address_location_city | String | Dimension |
data_object_ip_address_location_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_ip_address_location_latitude | Float | Metric |
data_object_ip_address_location_longitude | Float | Metric |
data_object_ip_address_location_region | String | Dimension |
data_object_items_data | String | Dimension |
data_object_items_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_items_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_items_total_count | Integer | Metric |
data_object_items_url | String | Dimension |
data_object_last4 | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_finalization_error | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_charge | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_code | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_decline_code | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_doc_url | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_message | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_param | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_billing_details_address_city | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_billing_details_address_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_billing_details_address_line1 | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_billing_details_address_line2 | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_billing_details_address_postal_code | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_billing_details_address_state | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_billing_details_email | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_billing_details_name | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_billing_details_phone | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_brand | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_checks_address_line1_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_checks_address_postal_code_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_checks_cvc_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_exp_month | Integer | Metric |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_exp_year | Integer | Metric |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_fingerprint | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_funding | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_generated_from | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_last4 | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_networks_available | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_networks_preferred | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_three_d_secure_usage_supported | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_card_wallet | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_created | Integer | Metric |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_customer | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_id | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_payment_method_type | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_address_city | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_address_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_address_line1 | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_address_line1_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_address_line2 | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_address_state | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_address_zip | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_address_zip_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_brand | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_customer | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_cvc_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_dynamic_last4 | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_exp_month | Integer | Metric |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_exp_year | Integer | Metric |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_fingerprint | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_funding | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_id | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_last4 | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_name | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_source_tokenization_method | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_payment_error_type | String | Dimension |
data_object_last_setup_error | String | Dimension |
data_object_latest_attempt | String | Dimension |
data_object_latest_invoice | String | Dimension |
data_object_lines_data | String | Dimension |
data_object_lines_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_lines_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_lines_total_count | Integer | Metric |
data_object_lines_url | String | Dimension |
data_object_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_mandate | String | Dimension |
data_object_metadata_plan_type | String | Dimension |
data_object_name | String | Dimension |
data_object_next_action | String | Dimension |
data_object_next_invoice_sequence | Integer | Metric |
data_object_next_payment_attempt | Integer | Metric |
data_object_next_pending_invoice_item_invoice | String | Dimension |
data_object_next_source_action | String | Dimension |
data_object_number | String | Dimension |
data_object_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_on_behalf_of | String | Dimension |
data_object_open | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_opened_reason | String | Dimension |
data_object_order | String | Dimension |
data_object_outcome_network_status | String | Dimension |
data_object_outcome_reason | String | Dimension |
data_object_outcome_risk_level | String | Dimension |
data_object_outcome_risk_score | Integer | Metric |
data_object_outcome_rule | String | Dimension |
data_object_outcome_seller_message | String | Dimension |
data_object_outcome_type | String | Dimension |
data_object_paid | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_pause_collection | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_intent | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_brand | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_checks_address_line1_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_checks_address_postal_code_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_checks_cvc_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_exp_month | Integer | Metric |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_exp_year | Integer | Metric |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_fingerprint | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_funding | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_installments | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_last4 | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_network | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_three_d_secure | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_card_wallet | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_details_type | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_options_card_installments | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_options_card_network | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_options_card_request_three_d_secure | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_method_types | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_settings_payment_method_options | String | Dimension |
data_object_payment_settings_payment_method_types | String | Dimension |
data_object_pending_invoice_item_interval | String | Dimension |
data_object_pending_setup_intent | String | Dimension |
data_object_pending_update | String | Dimension |
data_object_period_end | Integer | Metric |
data_object_period_start | Integer | Metric |
data_object_phone | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_active | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_plan_aggregate_usage | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_amount | Integer | Metric |
data_object_plan_amount_decimal | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_billing_scheme | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_created | Integer | Metric |
data_object_plan_currency | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_id | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_interval | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_interval_count | Integer | Metric |
data_object_plan_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_plan_nickname | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_product | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_tiers | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_tiers_mode | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_transform_usage | String | Dimension |
data_object_plan_trial_period_days | Integer | Metric |
data_object_plan_usage_type | String | Dimension |
data_object_post_payment_credit_notes_amount | Integer | Metric |
data_object_pre_payment_credit_notes_amount | Integer | Metric |
data_object_promotion_code | String | Dimension |
data_object_quantity | Integer | Metric |
data_object_quote | String | Dimension |
data_object_reason | String | Dimension |
data_object_receipt_email | String | Dimension |
data_object_receipt_number | String | Dimension |
data_object_receipt_url | String | Dimension |
data_object_refunded | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_refunds_data | String | Dimension |
data_object_refunds_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_refunds_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_refunds_total_count | Integer | Metric |
data_object_refunds_url | String | Dimension |
data_object_review | String | Dimension |
data_object_schedule | String | Dimension |
data_object_session_browser | String | Dimension |
data_object_session_device | String | Dimension |
data_object_session_platform | String | Dimension |
data_object_session_version | String | Dimension |
data_object_setup_future_usage | String | Dimension |
data_object_shipping | String | Dimension |
data_object_single_use_mandate | String | Dimension |
data_object_source | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_address_city | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_address_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_address_line1 | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_address_line1_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_address_line2 | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_address_state | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_address_zip | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_address_zip_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_brand | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_country | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_customer | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_cvc_check | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_dynamic_last4 | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_exp_month | Integer | Metric |
data_object_source_exp_year | Integer | Metric |
data_object_source_fingerprint | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_funding | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_id | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_last4 | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_name | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_tokenization_method | String | Dimension |
data_object_source_transfer | String | Dimension |
data_object_sources_data | String | Dimension |
data_object_sources_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_sources_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_sources_total_count | Integer | Metric |
data_object_sources_url | String | Dimension |
data_object_start | Integer | Metric |
data_object_start_date | Integer | Metric |
data_object_starting_balance | Integer | Metric |
data_object_statement_descriptor | String | Dimension |
data_object_statement_descriptor_suffix | String | Dimension |
data_object_status | String | Dimension |
data_object_status_transitions_finalized_at | Integer | Metric |
data_object_status_transitions_marked_uncollectible_at | Integer | Metric |
data_object_status_transitions_paid_at | Integer | Metric |
data_object_status_transitions_voided_at | String | Dimension |
data_object_subscription | String | Dimension |
data_object_subscriptions_data | String | Dimension |
data_object_subscriptions_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_subscriptions_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_subscriptions_total_count | Integer | Metric |
data_object_subscriptions_url | String | Dimension |
data_object_subtotal | Integer | Metric |
data_object_tax | String | Dimension |
data_object_tax_exempt | String | Dimension |
data_object_tax_ids_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
data_object_tax_ids_object | String | Dimension |
data_object_tax_ids_total_count | Integer | Metric |
data_object_tax_ids_url | String | Dimension |
data_object_tax_info | String | Dimension |
data_object_tax_info_verification | String | Dimension |
data_object_tax_percent | String | Dimension |
data_object_tokenization_method | String | Dimension |
data_object_total | Integer | Metric |
data_object_total_discount_amounts | String | Dimension |
data_object_transfer_data | String | Dimension |
data_object_transfer_group | String | Dimension |
data_object_trial_end | Integer | Metric |
data_object_trial_start | Integer | Metric |
data_object_type | String | Dimension |
data_object_usage | String | Dimension |
data_object_webhooks_delivered_at | Integer | Metric |
data_previous_attributes_amount_paid | Integer | Metric |
data_previous_attributes_amount_refunded | Integer | Metric |
data_previous_attributes_amount_remaining | Integer | Metric |
data_previous_attributes_attempt_count | Integer | Metric |
data_previous_attributes_attempted | Boolean | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_auto_advance | Boolean | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_cancel_at | Integer | Metric |
data_previous_attributes_cancel_at_period_end | Boolean | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_canceled_at | Integer | Metric |
data_previous_attributes_charge | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_currency | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_current_period_end | Integer | Metric |
data_previous_attributes_current_period_start | Integer | Metric |
data_previous_attributes_default_source | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_delinquent | Boolean | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_due_date | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_ending_balance | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_finalized_at | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_hosted_invoice_url | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_id | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_invoice_pdf | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_latest_invoice | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_next_payment_attempt | Integer | Metric |
data_previous_attributes_paid | Boolean | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_payment_intent | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_refunded | Boolean | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_refunds_total_count | Integer | Metric |
data_previous_attributes_start | Integer | Metric |
data_previous_attributes_status | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_status_transitions_finalized_at | String | Dimension |
data_previous_attributes_status_transitions_paid_at | String | Dimension |
created | Integer | Metric |
livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
object | String | Dimension |
pending_webhooks | Integer | Metric |
request_id | String | Dimension |
request_idempotency_key | String | Dimension |
type | String | Dimension |
The Invoices report lists all invoices for the associated account. Invoices are statements of amounts owed by a customer, and are either generated one-off, or generated periodically from a subscription. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id ![]() | String | Dimension |
account_country | String | Dimension |
account_tax_ids | String | Dimension |
amount_due | Integer | Metric |
amount_paid | Integer | Metric |
amount_remaining | Integer | Metric |
application_fee_amount | String | Dimension |
attempt_count | Integer | Metric |
attempted | Boolean | Dimension |
auto_advance | Boolean | Dimension |
automatic_tax_enabled | Boolean | Dimension |
automatic_tax_status | String | Dimension |
billing_reason | String | Dimension |
charge | String | Dimension |
collection_method | String | Dimension |
created | Integer | Metric |
currency | String | Dimension |
custom_fields | String | Dimension |
customer | String | Dimension |
customer_address | String | Dimension |
customer_address_city | String | Dimension |
customer_address_country | String | Dimension |
customer_address_line1 | String | Dimension |
customer_address_line2 | String | Dimension |
customer_address_postal_code | String | Dimension |
customer_address_state | String | Dimension |
customer_email | String | Dimension |
customer_name | String | Dimension |
customer_phone | String | Dimension |
customer_shipping | String | Dimension |
customer_shipping_address_city | String | Dimension |
customer_shipping_address_country | String | Dimension |
customer_shipping_address_line1 | String | Dimension |
customer_shipping_address_line2 | String | Dimension |
customer_shipping_address_postal_code | String | Dimension |
customer_shipping_address_state | String | Dimension |
customer_shipping_name | String | Dimension |
customer_shipping_phone | String | Dimension |
customer_tax_exempt | String | Dimension |
default_payment_method | String | Dimension |
default_source | String | Dimension |
default_tax_rates | String | Dimension |
description | String | Dimension |
discount | String | Dimension |
discount_checkout_session | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_amount_off | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_created | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_currency | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_duration | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_duration_in_months | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_id | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
discount_coupon_max_redemptions | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_name | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_object | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_percent_off | Float | Metric |
discount_coupon_redeem_by | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_times_redeemed | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_valid | Boolean | Dimension |
discount_customer | String | Dimension |
discount_end | Integer | Metric |
discount_id | String | Dimension |
discount_invoice | String | Dimension |
discount_invoice_item | String | Dimension |
discount_object | String | Dimension |
discount_promotion_code | String | Dimension |
discount_start | Integer | Metric |
discount_subscription | String | Dimension |
discounts | String | Dimension |
due_date | Integer | Metric |
ending_balance | Integer | Metric |
footer | String | Dimension |
hosted_invoice_url | String | Dimension |
account_name | String | Dimension |
invoice_pdf | String | Dimension |
last_finalization_error | String | Dimension |
lines_data | String | Dimension |
lines_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
lines_object | String | Dimension |
lines_total_count | Integer | Metric |
lines_url | String | Dimension |
livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
next_payment_attempt | Integer | Metric |
number | String | Dimension |
object | String | Dimension |
on_behalf_of | String | Dimension |
paid | Boolean | Dimension |
payment_intent | String | Dimension |
payment_settings_payment_method_options | String | Dimension |
payment_settings_payment_method_types | String | Dimension |
period_end | Integer | Metric |
period_start | Integer | Metric |
post_payment_credit_notes_amount | Integer | Metric |
pre_payment_credit_notes_amount | Integer | Metric |
receipt_number | String | Dimension |
starting_balance | Integer | Metric |
statement_descriptor | String | Dimension |
status | String | Dimension |
status_transitions_finalized_at | Integer | Metric |
status_transitions_marked_uncollectible_at | String | Dimension |
status_transitions_paid_at | Integer | Metric |
status_transitions_voided_at | String | Dimension |
subscription | String | Dimension |
subtotal | Integer | Metric |
tax | Integer | Metric |
tax_percent | Float | Metric |
total | Integer | Metric |
total_discount_amounts | String | Dimension |
total_tax_amounts | String | Dimension |
transfer_data | String | Dimension |
webhooks_delivered_at | Integer | Metric |
The Subscriptions report returns a list of subscriptions that have not been canceled. Subscriptions allow the user to charge a customer on a recurring basis. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id ![]() | String | Dimension |
application_fee_percent | String | Dimension |
billing_cycle_anchor | Integer | Metric |
billing_thresholds | String | Dimension |
cancel_at | Integer | Metric |
cancel_at_period_end | Boolean | Dimension |
canceled_at | Integer | Metric |
collection_method | String | Dimension |
created | Integer | Metric |
current_period_end | Integer | Metric |
current_period_start | Integer | Metric |
customer | String | Dimension |
days_until_due | Integer | Metric |
default_payment_method | String | Dimension |
default_source | String | Dimension |
discount | String | Dimension |
discount_checkout_session | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_amount_off | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_created | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_currency | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_duration | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_duration_in_months | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_id | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
discount_coupon_max_redemptions | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_name | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_object | String | Dimension |
discount_coupon_percent_off | Float | Metric |
discount_coupon_redeem_by | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_times_redeemed | Integer | Metric |
discount_coupon_valid | Boolean | Dimension |
automatic_tax_enabled | Boolean | Dimension |
discount_end | Integer | Metric |
discount_id | String | Dimension |
discount_invoice | String | Dimension |
discount_invoice_item | String | Dimension |
discount_object | String | Dimension |
discount_promotion_code | String | Dimension |
discount_start | Integer | Metric |
discount_subscription | String | Dimension |
ended_at | Integer | Metric |
discount_customer | String | Dimension |
items_data | String | Dimension |
items_has_more | Boolean | Dimension |
items_object | String | Dimension |
items_total_count | Integer | Metric |
items_url | String | Dimension |
latest_invoice | String | Dimension |
livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
next_pending_invoice_item_invoice | String | Dimension |
object | String | Dimension |
pause_collection | String | Dimension |
pending_invoice_item_interval | String | Dimension |
pending_setup_intent | String | Dimension |
pending_update | String | Dimension |
plan_active | Boolean | Dimension |
plan_aggregate_usage | String | Dimension |
plan_amount | Integer | Metric |
plan_amount_decimal | String | Dimension |
plan_billing_scheme | String | Dimension |
plan_created | Integer | Metric |
plan_currency | String | Dimension |
plan_id | String | Dimension |
plan_interval | String | Dimension |
plan_interval_count | Integer | Metric |
plan_livemode | Boolean | Dimension |
plan_nickname | String | Dimension |
plan_object | String | Dimension |
plan_product | String | Dimension |
plan_tiers | String | Dimension |
plan_tiers_mode | String | Dimension |
plan_transform_usage | String | Dimension |
plan_trial_period_days | Integer | Metric |
plan_usage_type | String | Dimension |
quantity | Integer | Metric |
schedule | String | Dimension |
start_date | Integer | Metric |
status | String | Dimension |
tax_percent | String | Dimension |
transfer_data | String | Dimension |
trial_end | Integer | Metric |
trial_start | Integer | Metric |