Instagram Troubleshooting
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Instagram Troubleshooting

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Article summary

Can't see some of the Instagram accounts under the accounts section

First, please follow these steps after each step try to pull the accounts again and see if the issue is fixed:

  1. Refresh the Rivery page in your browser.

  2. Make sure the connection passes the test connection method successfully.

  3. Make sure that the user who authenticated with Rivery (in the connection) has permissions on the Facebook pages that are connected to the Instagram business accounts.

  4. Re authenticate the connection in Rivery and verify that the new connection passed the test connection method.

Still can't see the account?
This is a known Facebook issue which has a few workarounds.

Step 1 :

Verify that the Instagram account is connected to a Facebook page and that the user who created the Instagram connection in Rivery has sufficient permissions on that page, preferably an admin.
*** Update 6/11/2019 ***

There is currently an open bug where a user with analyst permission on the page sometime can't access the FB API correctly so it is strongly recommended to use a user with an admin permission to the page to avoid this issue.

To verify the connection:
Go to your Facebook Page's Settings and click Instagram. If you don't see the details of the page, then the Instagram account is not connected to the Facebook page.

Instagram Troubleshooting-inst_exm

Follow the instruction detailed in the link below to connect the account:

Check in the river to see if the account is viewable now. If not, proceed to the next step.

Step 2 :

Disconnect the Instagram account from the page.

Connect the Instagram account again using the instructions detailed in the link below:
Check in the river if you can see the account now, if not proceed to the next step

Step 3 :
Before executing this step, keep in mind that converting the account from a business account to a personal account might cause you to lose insights data to all posts who were created before the conversion. Proceed with caution!

Disconnect the Instagram account from the page.

Convert the Instagram account back to a personal account using the link below:

Connect the Instagram again using the instructions detailed in the link below:

Check if the Instagram page is connected to a Facebook page from Instagram

Follow the instructions described in the link below:

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