Netsuite Reporting Troubleshooting
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Netsuite Reporting Troubleshooting

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Article summary

Q. Why am I seeing more records then expected from some of my NetSuite entries?

A. The fields (data) you request affects the amount of data retrieved.
Some fields have a many to many or one to many relationship with the "main" record and NetSuite returns all of that data when queried.
If for example you will request to retrieve only the 'internalId' field you will get X records from both the API and the NetSuite UI
If however you will ask for another field with that type of relationship you will see X + Y records from both the API and the NetSuite UI.
The Employee entity is a good example for this behavior.

Q. Why am I getting Datetime fields when the NetSuite UI shows them as Date fields?

A. The NetSuite UI displays some Datetime value as date, although they are stored as Datetime in the background.
The SOAP API returns the dates in their original form as Datetime objects.

For example:

Date shown in the UIDatetime when getting the record

When converting back to date fields please keep in mind that the NetSuite returns the datetime objects in PST or PDT depending on the date.
During winter months, the Pacific Time Zone is eight hours behind Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC-8) and is referred to as Pacific Standard Time (PST). In summer months, the
Pacific Time Zone is seven hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-7) and is referred to as Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).

Q. I am missing some fields from my saved search, why?

A. Not all fields are supported via the SOAP API.
To get a list of all relevant fields please consult with the NetSuite Schema Browser .

Search for the Entity and look at the available fields
Below you can see an example for some of the fields available for the Account entity:


Another possibility is that the field in question is a custom field with restricted access.
Check out this guid on restricting custom fields and make sure your role has access.

Q. I am missing some records from my saved search, why?

A. Not all records are supported via the SOAP API.
To get a list of all relevant records please consult with the NetSuite Schema Browser .

Search for the record, if you can't find it, it is not supported.

Another possibility is that the role you are using is not granted permission to that record.
Please follow the steps detailed in the Netsuite Reporting Connection documentation to add specific permissions to the record you need.

Q. The data in my fields returns as Camel Cased or with _ before the value, Why?

A. This is the way the data is returned from the SOAP API, this is different from the way the data is returned from the NetSuite connector which connects directly to the database and returns the data in snake_cased convention.

Q. Why can't I execute Summary Saved Searches?

A. NetSuite API doesn't support Summary Saved Searches.
If you try to execute such search you will get the following error fron the API:
"We cannot return search columns for summary saved search"
If you want to execute a saved search via the API You should do the following and remove the saved search columns:
In NetSuite, copy the Saved Search, edit the copied Saved Search and make sure no summary column (max, min, max, sum, etc) is defined in the "Results" tab. The summary type must be blank for all fields.

Aggregations or any other needed transformations can be performed in a logic river or over your DB target.

Q. Why can't I find all the entities in the Netsuite Reporting connector?

A. Not al entities are supported in the Netsuite API, a common example is the amortization schedule entity.
To see all supported entities look at the entities avaliable in the NetSuite Schema Browser.
(Make sure you are only under the schema tab)
Except for a few exceptions these entities should be supported

Q. Why can't i fetch my saved searches?

A. If you've set up everything correctly in the Connection phase then this is likely due to the inherent limitation of the Netsuite API.
In cases where there are more than 1000 saved searches for a given entity the API will not be able to retrieve them.
Please insert the saved query internal id manually.
Another alternative would be to clean up any unused searches in the NetSuite UI to reduce the number of searches below the limitation.

Q. Why am I getting only ids and not values for some of the fields returned from a saved search?

A. Unfortunately this is a limitation of the NetSuite API.
Some of the fields will only return the IntranelId and not the value.
To overcome this you can create a seperate river to extract the desired entity and create a lookup table.
Then leverage a logic river to join the data from the saved search and the lookup table.

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