TrendKite Troubleshooting
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TrendKite Troubleshooting

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Article summary

Why is split requests needed?

TrendKite API is has a limitation of max 5000 result rows for a request.
When exceeding this limit, the following error will be returned:


There are two options to use to avoid this kind of error:

  1. Manually reduce the date range in your river or choose a smaller interval chunk size.
  2. Enable the 'Split requests when the max number of results rows is exceeded ' button:


This option will automatically split each request that exceeded the TrendKite rows limit, without failing the river. The river will split every request when necessary to the largest time range that it can get data from the API.

Please note, TrendKite API returns the 'date' value in the 'Total mentions' report in a date granularity and not by hours. Rivery adds the 'request_start_date' and 'request_end_date' fields to TrendKite results, which have the values of the timestamp of the actual request, and the results data is relevant for these fields' time range.

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