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Article summary


Rivery's versioning system enables users to create multiple versions of a Rivers, which are saved in a timeline view. Each version captures the state of the River at a particular point in time, allowing users to track and revert to specific versions if necessary.

There are two types of Versions:

  • Unbookmarked
  • Bookmarked

We will go into further details regarding the differences in the Version Types section.

How to use Rivery's Versioning System

Timeline View

The timeline view in Rivery's versioning system displays a list of all versions of a River, sorted by the date and time they were created. Users can quickly access any version by clicking on it in the timeline view.

Each version contains the following details:

  • Version Name - defaults to the version create date if not set.
  • Version Status - shows "Latest Version" if it is the latest version.
  • Version Create Date - the date the version was created.
  • Versions Created By Name - the name of the user who created the version.


Pressing on a version from the list will show the definition of the saved version on the River. This is a read-only mode and you can't make any changes to the versions while in this mode.

To view all bookmarked version press the Display only bookmarked versions toggle.

Version Types and Versions Limits

As previously mentioned there are two types of version: Unbookmarked and Bookmarked.

Maximum Unbookmarked versions allowed: 70.
Maximum bookmarked versions: 30.


Unbookmarked versions are the default versions and are saved automatically.
When a River has reached its maximum version limit, any subsequent saved versions will replace the earliest version that was created.

Bookmarked versions are distinct from Unbookmarked versions in that they are not subject to automatic deletion when the maximum number of versions is reached.

Bookmark a Version and Edit Version Details

To set a version as bookmarked press the star button next to the River version: image.png

If you've reached the max number of bookmarked versions you will be prompted to allow us to delete the earliest bookmarked version in order to save the current one.

Alternatively, you can manually un-bookmark any other bookmarked version by pressing its star button instead.

You can give the version a meaningful name by pressing the edit button.

Please Note:
If you've pressed the edit and saved the version, it will automatically be bookmarked as well.

A bookmarked version is notated with a full star: image.png

Restoring a Version

By clicking on the desired version of a River, a user can view it and choose to restore it by clicking 'Restore to this version'.
This action will replace the current version of the River with the selected version.


Please Note:
If the maximum number of versions allowed is met when restoring a version, the earliest version will be deleted automatically.

Which Components of a River Configuration Are Excluded From Version Storage?

Changes made to following items in a River won't cause a version to be created:

  1. Date range - either by manual run or by scheduled run

  2. River group

  3. River schedule

  4. Notifications.

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