Adaptive Planning Walkthrough
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Adaptive Planning Walkthrough

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Article summary

Adaptive Planning API version 32 is currently supported
## Adaptive Reports in Rivery

General Reports

The instance selection input box is relevant to all the Adaptive Planning reports.

If you have more than one instance of Adaptive connected to your account, use this input box to choose which account to pull data from.

Leave this box empty if:
1. You'd like to pull data from your default instance
  1. You have one instance.

Adaptive Insights Walkthrough-instance

Export Data Report

The export data report is the main report for Adaptive Planning which brings raw data.

This report is equivalent to the export data report in the Adaptive console.

Adaptive Insights Walkthrough-adaptiveconsoleui

From the Adaptive console:

  1. Select the report.

  2. Select the required version or leave the input box empty to use your accounts' default version.

    Adaptive Insights Walkthrough-version

  3. Click on accounts to load a list of all available accounts.

  4. Click again to extend the list of all accounts. Choose an account by selecting the checkbox to the left of each account. You can use the search bar to filter for specific accounts. Once done, click on  save .

    Adaptive Insights Walkthrough-accounts

  5. You can choose additional accounts options once saved by checking the box next to each account name. Check the Include Descendants checkbox to include direct descendants for that account e.g. include descendants for the "assets" account will include "current assets", "fixed assets" etc'.

    You won't see the included accounts in the UI, however, you will see them in the results returned.

    Adaptive Insights Walkthrough-accounts2

  6. Click on the levels to load a list of all available levels.

  7. Click again to extend the list of all levels. Choose a level by selecting the checkbox to the left of each account. You can use the search bar to filter for specific levels. Once done, click on  save .
    Adaptive Insights Walkthrough-levels

  8. You can choose additional levels of options once saved by checking the box next to each level name. Check the Include Descendants checkbox to include direct descendants for that level. Check is rollup to have the results aggregated to that level.

    Adaptive Insights Walkthrough-levels21

  9. Select the required Dimensions


  • Remove filter by the dimensions values:
    By default, the result data will be filtered by all of the dimensions you have selected.
    Check the box to disable the filters and get all data within the dimensions.


  1. The date range for this report is month based, meaning you can only choose months.

    At the end of the run, if the end date is after the run date, the start date will evaluate to the end date.


  2. Check the Include Empty Rows to retrieve rows without informative values

  3. Check Include Time Roll-Ups to have additional results aggregated to a quarterly level e.g. Q1 - 2019, Q2-2019, etc'.

  4. Select a specific currency to override the default corporate currency or leave empty to use the default corporate currency.


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