Airtable Walkthrough
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Airtable Walkthrough

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Article summary


This document provides you with step-by-step instructions and valuable tips to ensure a smooth and efficient integration process.


An established Airtable connection.

Pulling Data from Airtable using Rivery

Configuring Data Retrieval

  1. Enter the ID of the Base from which data is to be pulled.
  2. Specify the names of the tables to pull data from.

Please Note:

  • Selecting multiple tables results in a joint table combining fields and data.
  • If tables have a common field name with different data types, the field might be excluded.
  • Use this feature for tables with identical structures across different tabs (e.g., monthly reports across different months).
  • Validate your settings to ensure accuracy.


Fields for Filtering (Optional)

Filter By Formula

Use an Airtable formula for advanced filtering.


Specify a view in your table to return records from that view only.

Limit Records

Set a maximum number of records to fetch.


Auto Mapping

Rivery will automatically configure your Schema based on the selected tables.
Customize which fields to fetch, add new fields, or remove unwanted fields.
Four metadata fields included: Base ID, Table Name, Record ID, and Created Time.

Sorting the Data

After Auto Mapping, a table with fields and their types will be displayed.
Sort the returned data by selecting columns and specifying the order (ascending/descending).


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