Anaplan Walkthrough
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Anaplan Walkthrough

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Article summary

A Guide for getting data from Anaplan to Rivery.


An Anaplan connection.

How to pull data from Anaplan using Rivery

First, select 'Create New River'

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  1. Choose 'Data Source to Target' as your river type.
  2. In the 'General Info' tab, name your river, describe it and choose a group.
  3. Next, navigate to the 'Source' tab.
  4. Find Anaplan in the list of data sources and select it. (under CRM)

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  1. Under Source Connection, select the connection you created, or create a new one.

  2. Select the desired export (a report that was created from Anaplan UI console) to get its data:

    Anaplan Walkthrough-mceclip1

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