AppNexus Walkthrough
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AppNexus Walkthrough

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A Guide for getting data from AppNexus to Rivery.

How to pull data from AppNexus using Rivery

First, select 'Create New River' from the top right of the Rivery screen.

Choose 'Data Source to Target' as your river type.

In the 'General Info' tab, name your river, describe it, and choose a group.

Next, navigate to the 'Source' tab.

Find AppNexus in the list of data sources and select it. (under Marketing)

Under Source Connection, select the connection you created, or create a new one. 

Start to build your AppNexus river by selecting your desired report - "Bulk Reports" or "Dimensions Reports".

Bulk Reports

1. Select the report name

2.  Select desired report columns.

3. Select the desired label.

4. Select your Time zone.

5.  Select the time period of the report.

Click on any input in order to have a list of all available filters.

6. Select the time period of the report.  It can be a custom date range (as described in the picture above) or a defined time period shown in the pop-up list (for example Yesterday, last week, etc.)

Instructions if selecting ‘Date Range’:

1. Select the start date and end date.

2. Leave the end date empty in to pull data until the moment the river runs.

3. After each run of the river, the start date will be updated automatically with the end date, and the end date will be updated with the empty value. This enables the next run to pull data from the end of the previous run.

4. Select the time zone offset. It will be relevant only if the end date is empty in order to find the moment of the river’s run according to the time zone.

5. Days back - use this input to tell Rivery to pull data from the given number of days back before the given start date. 

Instructions if selecting 'Other Values': 

1. Select the timezone offset to send the correct dates that consider that offset.

Time Resolution - Select how the results will be grouped:

Each record in the report will contain the metrics of the selected time resolution.

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