Content.Ad Walkthrough
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Content.Ad Walkthrough

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Article summary

Content.Ad Reporting API version 1 is currently supported

This provides a general description of Content.Ad and its capabilities.


Content.Ad Connection


After configuring the connection, you may now configure the river
for the report you require:


Customize the reports:

Selecting a time period:
Advertiser and Advertiser Click are time dependant reports.

Date Range

  • Pulls data in the date range between the start and end date
    provided, including the end date.
  • Leaving the end date empty will pull data according
    to the current time of the river's run.
  • Start date is required, the river pulls data from
    the start of the day.
  • Dates timezone : UTC time.
  • Use the "Last Days Back For Each Run" to expend
    the start date and pull data a given number of days back
    before the chosen start date.

Advertiser Click report:

Additional parameters will return more detailed info.
For example, in order to get data on different ads on the same campaign,
pick the "Ad" parameter.

Default: All available data.

Filter by campaign ID
Filter the data by choosing the required IDs.
Leave empty to get all available data.


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