Genesys Walkthrough
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Genesys Walkthrough

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Article summary

Genesys API version 2 is currently supported


Genesys Connection

Custom Reports

After configuring the connection, you may now configure the river
for the report you require:

For Reports With Dates:

Date Range

  • Pulls data in the date range between the start and end date
    provided, including the end date.
  • Leaving the end date empty will pull data according
    to the current time of the river's run.
  • Start date is required
  • Use the "Last Days Back For Each Run" to expend
    the start date and pull data a given number of days back
    before the chosen start date.

Interval Chunks
Split the time interval into chunks, choose unit size and count.
Default: Don't Split

Conversations Reports


Select this option in order to only include conversations
that started on a day in the interval.
If not selected the River pulls data for conversations with overlapping date span to the chosen time interval.

Select "Align End Date" option if you want to make sure that the interval you query is present in the datalake before triggering a job. In case the end date is after the server's last update, the river will set the end date to the update time.

Aggregation Reports

This is applicable to both the 'Flow Aggregate' and the 'Evaluation Aggregate' reports.

Behaves like a SQL SELECT clause
Default: All available data

Behaves like a SQL GROUPBY.
Allows for multiple levels of grouping as a list of dimensions.
The server may return an error in case the data is too large.
Default: None

Flatten dimensions:
Select to flatten any multivalued dimensions used in response groups
(e.g. ['a','b','c']->'a,b,c')

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