Monday Walkthrough
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Monday Walkthrough

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Article summary

This guide will show you how to get the data from Monday into Rivery


Monday Connection

Source tab configuration

Under 'Source Details', select the desired Monday connection. Change it or create a new one if necessary by clicking 'Edit' or 'Create New Connection'.


Select a report in the 'Report' input:


Each report supports a number of filters. If filters are left empty, all data for the relevant report will be retrieved.

Filters available by report:

  1. Boards: Filter by board, board kind, board state
  2. Items: Filter by board
  3. Tags: Filter by tags
  4. Teams: Filter by teams
  5. Users: Filter by users, user kind
  6. Activity Logs: Filter by board


The Boards report will get data for all selected Monday boards in the Source tab.


The Boards report contains Items data, but the Monday API returns only 1000 items per board in this type of pull. If more items are needed for a specific board, use the Items report and filter to the desired board.

The Items report will return a record with for each item in the selected boards.

Tags are objects that help you group items from different groups or different boards throughout your account by a consistent keyword. The Tags report will return reference data for each tag, such as it's ID, name, and color.

Teams are the most efficient way to manage groups of users in Monday. The Teams report will return one record per team.

The Users report returns reference data at the user level.


The Users endpoint does not support pagination. Please use filters in this report to narrow down the results set.

Activity Logs:
Activity logs are records of all activities performed on a board. The Activity Logs report returns data at the activity level for a board, such as a user changing a status, adding an item, or making a comment.


It is recommended to filter this report to specific boards, as the call for all boards within an entire Monday account can take a considerable amount of time.

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