Servicenow Walkthrough
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Servicenow Walkthrough

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  • Servicenow Connection

Servicenow reports

Most of the reports in Servicenow depends on table names

You can filter specific tables if you want, or leave them empty and pull all of them. But make sure you have user access to all of the tables.

If you have missing tables from this input, it's because they are not tagged as attachments, however, you can still pull them by inserting their name to the Manual Insert Tables below:

All reports have time dependency given a time field.

Time-Dependent Reports

The data in each report will be pulled according to a time field that you specify. The default is the field: Sys created on.

You can add additional time filtering manually in the text query which we explain in the next section.

Select a time period:

Time-dependent reports support two kinds of time-period:

  1. Date Range -
    • Pulls data in the date range between the start and end date provided, including the end date.
    • You must select a start date.
    • Leaving the end date empty will pull data according to the current time of the river's run.
    • Select a timezone offset to send dates considering the offset.
    • Use the "Last Days Back For Each Run" to expend the start date and pull data a given number of days back before the chosen start date.

In the example above, the river will run with a date range between "01/03/2020" and "30/03/2020".

  1. Predefined date - A date range defined by Rivery:
    • Day - Yesterday.
    • Week (From Monday to Sunday) - Week to date, Previous week, Previous week to date.
    • Month - Month to date, Previous month, Previous month to date.
    • Year - Year to date.

Text Query parameter in reports

In order to filter specific table records, you can type in a text to filter by fields.


Text Query: priority=2^calendar_stc>=6862

The text query will be combined with other parameters you input, along with the time interval, to fetch all the combined filtered data. 

If you want, you can specify an additional time filtering inside the text query. Here is an example of such a setup:

In this example, the data is filtered dynamically by time interval sys_created_on, as well as sys_updated_on which is set manually.

If you would like to get only non-closed records (having null values) you can pass closed_at=null in the text query.

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