The Trade Desk Walkthrough
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The Trade Desk Walkthrough

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Article summary

This guide will show you how to get the data from The Trade Desk into Rivery.


  • The Trade Desk Connection.

The Trade Desk reports in Rivery

  1. Make sure to select the correct The Trade Desk connection. Change it or create a new one if necessary.
  2. The Trade Desk source in Rivery can be executed in one of the following options:
  3. image

Entity Report

    Select the required report in the list of reports:


    Filters - Select how to filter the selected report - This determines which partners/advertisers/campaigns/ad-groups will be contained in the report.


    Click on any input in order to have a list of all available objects in The Trade Desk.
    Selecting some objects of a higher level will filter the objects of the lower levels: For example, if you select advertiser A in the Advertisers input, clicking the 'Campaigns' input will only contain campaigns related to advertiser A.

    You may leave an empty input to get its all available values for the filtered higher levels.

    Availabilities - Select one/both availabilities.


    Template Report

    Template - Select the template for the report to execute.


    When selecting an Excel template report, a report sheet number must be selected:


    Filters - Select how to filter the selected report - This determines which partners/advertisers/campaigns/ad-groups will be contained in the report.


    Click on any input in order to have a list of all available objects in theTradeDesk.
    Selecting some objects of a higher level will filter the objects of the lower levels: For example, if you select advertiser A in the Advertisers input, clicking the Campaigns input will only contain campaigns related to advertiser A.

    You may leave an empty input to get its all available values for the filtered higher levels.

    Numeric Format - Select the format used for numeric values (US/International).
    Date Format - Select the format used for dates (US/International).
    Timezone - Select the timezone of the report.


    Scheduled Reports

    The Trade Desk platform enables scheduling reports in their platform with a certain frequency.
    This option is recommended when the river is scheduled to run with permanent filters for a fixed time. With this option enabled, you can set the schedule date range, frequncy and schedule start date. The river will download the last completed report of this schedule. This will significantly reduce and improve the river's run time since it won't have to wait for the report to be completed in The Trade Desk platform.
    To use scheduled reports in your river, enable the Schedule Report option:
    Fill the schedule frequency, date range and start date (of the schedule time):

    Leave the Schedule Start Date empty to start the schedule from now.
    Click the Schedule Report button to schedule the report.
    When the schedule is scheduled successfully in The Trade Desk platform, a success message will be shown near the Schedule Report button:


    You can cancel the schedule that has been created in The Trade Desk by clicking the Cancel Schedule button.

    After the report has been scheduled, running the auto-mapping function and the river itself will use the last completed report of this schedule.


    1. When clicking the Schedule Report button when a schedule is already exists in your river, this schedule will be deleted and a new one will be created.

    2. After clicking the Schedule Report button, save the river in order to save the settings of the schedule that has been created.

    Report's Time Period:

    For unscheduled reports that have been generated only once for a river run.

    Select the time period of the report:


All the reports support two kinds of time periods:

  1. Date Range
    • Pulls data in the date range between the start and end date provided, including the end date.
    • You must select a start date.
    • Leaving the end date empty will pull data according to the current time of the river's run.
    • Select a timezone offset to send dates considering the offset.
    • Use the "Last Days Back For Each Run" to expend the start date and pull data a given number of days back before the chosen start date.
  2. Predefined date - A date range defined by Rivery:
    • Day - Yesterday.
    • Week (From Monday to Sunday) - Week to date, Previous week, Previous week to date.
    • Month - Month to date, Previous month, Previous month to date.
    • Year - Year to date.

Interval Chunks:

Rivery can run over the increment using chunks, in order to make the loading more efficient and more precise. Your options are:


  1. Don't Split - Rivery will pull the data from the chosen start date to the end date in one bulk.
  2. Daily - The run will be chunked daily from the start to the end date.
  3. Monthly - The run will be chunked monthly from the start to the end date.
  4. Yearly (Less Recommended) - The run will be chunked yearly from the start to the end date.

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