Verizon Media (Oath) Walkthrough
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Verizon Media (Oath) Walkthrough

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Article summary

Oath report types

There are two report types:

  • stats reports (mainly statistics)
  • dimensions reports

General filters

Both type of reports offer general filtration in the form of seat and advertisers.

Seat- "a seat is a licensed account that is held by an ad agency, trading desk, or direct advertiser that enables that organization to participate in the real-time bidding marketplace"
If not otherwise chosen, the default seat is used. If you have more than one seat, you can pick multiple seat for the same report

Advertiser - "a company that lists advertisements on Oath Ad Platforms DSP to purchase inventory provided by a range of publishers in the broader marketplace"
Leave empty for all advertisers, or select those you need.


Statistics report

The statistics report is the main report in the Oath platform and provides metric information and dimension data.

Statistics report setup

Dimension - Represents an attribute such as: Creative, advertiser etc'.

Most dimensions return more than 1 attribute. For example, Campaign will return both the Campaign name and the Campaign Id.

Metric - Represents a measurement e.g. clicks, impressions etc'

Granularity (interval) - The granularity of the data returned.

1: Cumulative. Returns a single row in which each column displays data for the entire range.

2:Day. Returns one row for each calendar day in the specified date range.

3: Month. Returns one row for each full or partial month in the specified date range.

4: Week. Returns one row for each calendar week in the specified date range.

5: Hour. Returns one row for each hour that has data.
Timezone - The timezone of the report.
The default timezone is America/New_York
Currency - The currency of the report

Time Period

Only the statistics report supports time period

Date Range -

  • Pulls data in the date range between the start and end date provided, including the end date.
  • You must select a start date.
  • Leaving the end date empty will pull data according to the current time of the river's run.
  • Select a timezone offset to send dates considering the offset.
  • Use the "Last Days Back For Each Run" to expend the start date and pull data a given number of days back before the chosen start date.


In the example above, the river will run with the date range between "17/06/2019" until the moment it was executed.

  • Predefined date - A date range defined by Rivery:

    • Day - Yesterday.
    • Week (From Monday to Sunday) - Week to date, Previous week, Previous week to date.
    • Month - Month to date, Previous month, Previous month to date.
    • Year - Year to date.

API Data Accuracy limitation:

Oath doesn't guaranty the availability of Recent campaign data and data collected from events occurring in the previous six hours.

Rate limits for statistics reports

Request Per Minute5Number of requests per minute per seat.
Row Counts Per Day1,000,000Total rows of data exported from DSP Reporting API per day per seat. Limit is for a 24 hours interval starting from first request from any user in the seat.
Requests Per Day500Total number of reporting requests issued per day per seat. Limit is for a 24 hours interval starting from first request from any user in the seat.

Contact your Oath account manager to increase the limits if needed.

Known limitations for statistic reports

  • The Reporting API supports reports that are up to 20 GB in size.

  • The settings below will cause the reports to return up to 500k rows instead of the 1000k

    • The flowing metrics:

115 Unique Viewers

163 Oath Viewable Rate

166 Oath Viewable Impressions

167 Oath Measurable Impressions

242 Oath Analyzed Impressions

243 Oath AVOC

244 Oath AVFH

245 Oath Measurability Rate

247 Oath AVOC Rate
* Extracting data before the 2017-08-11

* Reports that return newer and older data:

* The```

has a value of```

* The```

has a value of```

(All Time).
* The```

has a value of```

(Custom) and the```

of the report has a value that is prior to```


Dimension reports
There are currently 4 dimension reports available:

  • advertisers
  • campaigns
  • lines
  • ads

Rate limits for dimension reports

Requests Per Minute10Number of requests allowed in a minute per user account.
Requests Per Hour300Number of requests allowed in an hour per user account.
Requests Per Day5000Number of requests allowed in a day per user account.

Exceeding these limits will cause errors

Contact your Oath account manager to increase the limits if needed.

Your data won't be available after you exceed the limit until ill the limitation is reset.

For example, if you've made more than 5000 requests per day you will have to wait until the limitation is reset before you can pull any other data that day.

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