Yandex Walkthrough
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Yandex Walkthrough

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Article summary

Yandex API version 5 is currently supported

This provides a general description of Yandex and its capabilities.


Yandex allows you to manage ad campaigns, automate routine tasks, create your own bid management algorithms, and download statistics.


To connect Yandex with your destination, follow our step-by-step tutorial.
Choose a Source connection after you've created a connection, as seen here:


In Yandex, there are two types of reports available:

Predefined Reports

Click here to view Predefined Reports.

Custom Reports

Create custom reports, and select a specific report to pull data from Yandex after you've established a connection.
The following image provides an overview of the various custom reports:

Metrics and Segments fields are available in each report and will be displayed beneath it.
More information can be found in Yandex's documentation.

Each report offers 2 methods for extracting data:

  • All
  • Incremental

Choose 'All' to retrieve all data regardless of time periods or select 'Incremental' to control the date range of your report.

Here's an example:

  • Start Date is mandatory.
  • Data can be retrieved for the date range specified between the start and end dates.
  • If you leave the end date blank, the data will be pulled at the current time of the river's run.
  • Dates timezone : UTC time.
  • Use the Last Days Back For Each Run option to gather data from a specified number of days prior to the selected start date.



This report type aims to gather statistics for the advertiser's account.



This report type is selected to obtain campaign statistics.



This report type is chosen to obtain ad group statistics.



This report type is used to get advertising statistics.



This report type is employed to acquire statistics for the purposes of targeting criteria.



This report type is selected to generate statistics using specific groups.



This report type is intended to gather display campaign statistics.
It only includes statistics for "Display Campaign" campaigns and excludes all other types of advertising.



This report type is designed to retrieve search query statistics.



Incompatible Fields and Dependencies

Incompatible fields

  • Date, Week, Month, Quarter, and Year are mutually exclusive fields. Only one of these is allowed to appear in the report.

  • These fields are mutually exclusive: CriterionType, CriteriaType, AudienceTargetId, DynamicTextAdTargetId, Keyword, and SmartAdTargetId. Filtering data can only be done with one of them.

  • Impressions, Ctr, AvgImpressionPosition, WeightedImpressions, WeightedCtr, and AvgTrafficVolume are incompatible with the ClickType field.

  • AdFormat, AdId, Age, CarrierType, Gender, MobilePlatform, and RlAdjustmentId are incompatible with the ImpressionShare field.

  • Criteria, CriteriaId, and CriteriaType are not compatible with the Criterion, CriterionId, and CriterionType columns.


  • The AdNetworkType field is used to group report data if the Placement field is selected.

  • If at least one of the Criterion, CriterionId, Criteria, or CriteriaId fields is supplied, or data is filtered by the SmartAdTargetId field, or the CRITERIA PERFORMANCE REPORT type is selected, a dash will appear in the Impressions and Ctr fields for campaigns with the SMART CAMPAIGN type.

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